Numerical experiments, Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
Generating correlated random variables
Cholesky decomposition vs Square root decomposition
1. Problem statement
There are $n$ independent (uncorrelated) random variables $x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{n}$
with zero means
\left\langle \vec{x}\right\rangle =\vec{0}
and unit variances
\left\langle \vec{x}\cdot\vec{x}^{\mathrm{T}}\right\rangle =\hat{I}\label{eq:unitvar}
Here the variables are arranged in n-dimensional vectors and the angle
brackets denote averaging. The problem is to find a linear combination
$\vec{y}$ of the variables $\vec{x}$ with a given covariance matrix
\hat{C}=\left\langle \vec{y}\cdot\vec{y}^{\mathrm{T}}\right\rangle \label{eq:cov}
In other words, it is necessary to find a transformation matrix $\hat{M}$
so that the equality (\ref{eq:cov}) takes place.
2. Solution
Substituting (\ref{eq:Mx}) into (\ref{eq:cov}) and taking into account
(\ref{eq:unitvar}) we get:
\hat{C}=\left\langle \hat{M}\cdot\vec{x}\cdot\vec{x}^{\mathrm{T}}\cdot\hat{M}^{\mathrm{T}}\right\rangle =\hat{M}\cdot\left\langle \vec{x}\cdot\vec{x}^{\mathrm{T}}\right\rangle \cdot\hat{M}^{\mathrm{T}}=\hat{M}\cdot\hat{M}^{\mathrm{T}}\label{eq:MMT}
Any matrix $\hat{M}$ that satisfies (\ref{eq:MMT}) solves the problem.
2.1. Cholesky decomposition
The form of Eq.(\ref{eq:MMT}) suggests that we can use the Cholesky
decomposition. Indeed, a covariance matrix is supposed to be symmetric
and positive-definite. It always can be decomposed into the product
of a lower triangular matrix $\hat{L}$ and its transpose [
2.1.1. Example
For the correlation matrix of two variables
1 & \rho\\
\rho & 1
The decomposition is
1 & 0\\
\rho & \delta
Here $\delta=\sqrt{1-\rho^{2}}$.
2.2. Square root decomposition
A symmetric and positive-definite matrix $\hat{C}$ can be presented
Here $\hat{S}$ is a square root of $\hat{C}$, which can be also
chosen as symmetric $\hat{S}=\hat{S}^{\mathrm{T}}$and positive-definite
2.2.1. Example
For the matrix (\ref{eq:C2x2}) the square root is
c & s\\
s & c
c & = & \sqrt{\frac{1+\delta}{2}}\\
s & = & \sqrt{\frac{1-\delta}{2}}
2.3. More solutions
If $\hat{M}$ is a solution of (\ref{eq:MMT}) then its product with
an arbitrary orthogonal matrix [
3] $\hat{U}$
is also a solution of (\ref{eq:MMT}).
3. Do we need many solutions?
In the important case of the multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution
we do not need this. The normal distribution is completely defined
by its mean and covariance [
In general, however, different transformations
result in different shape of the distribution functions.
3.1. 2D example
Suppose variables $x_{1}$and $x_{2}$ are uniformly distributed in
the intervals $[-\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}]$. The vector $\vec{x}$
is uniformly distributed in the unit square:
Fig. 1. 2D uniform distribution.
3.1.1. Cholesky decomposition
The transformation (\ref{eq:chol}) with $\rho=\frac{1}{2}$ results
in the following distribution for $\vec{y}$ :
Fig. 2. Cholesky decomposition.
3.1.2. Square root decomposition
The transformation (\ref{eq:sqrt}) with the same $\rho=\frac{1}{2}$
gives more symmetric distribution for $\vec{y}$ :
Fig. 3. Square root decomposition.
4. Implementation
4.1. Cholesky decomposition
Cholesky decomposition [
is a standard routine in many linear algebra packages.
4.2. Square root decomposition
There are several iterative algorithms [
I use diagonalization
The marix $\hat{c}$ is diagonal $\left(\hat{c}\right)_{i,j}=c_{i,i}\delta_{i,j}$
and $\left(\hat{c}^{\frac{1}{2}}\right)_{i,j}=\delta_{i,j}\,\sqrt{c_{i,i}}$ .
4.3. Steps
It is convenient to split the implementation into the following steps.
0. Random numbers
Needless to say that one should start with good (pseudo-) random numbers $\vec{x}$.
1. Transformation to correlation
First transform $\vec{x}$ to get a correlation matrix
1 & i=j\\
\rho_{i,j} & i\neq j
This is the most time-consuming step and can be performed once. Usually
a correlation matrix is needed anyway.
2. Transform to covariance
Here $\hat{\sigma}$ is a diagonal matrix of standard deviations:
The new transformation
\hat{M^{\prime}}=\hat{\hat{\sigma}\cdot M}
\sigma_{i}^{2} & i=j\\
\rho_{i,j}\sigma_{i}\sigma_{j} & i\neq j
Problem solved.
- Wikipedia. Cholesky decomposition.
- Wikipedia. Square root of a matrix.
- Wikipedia. Orthogonal matrix.
- Wikipedia. Multivariate normal distribution