Single-Pass Online Statistics Algorithms
Nikolai Shokhirev
March 13, 2013
1. Introduction
The "textbook" two-pass algorithm for the centered moments (variance,
skewness, kurtosis, covariance) is obviously inefficient. There were
suggested several alternative algorithms [1 - 16].
Unfortunately I could not find suitable one-pass windowed algorithms
similar to the mowing average [17]. Therefore I decided
to derive the equations and implement them myself.
2. Problem statement
We assume that there is a stream of data: $x_{1},\, x_{2},\, x_{3},\,\ldots\,,\, x_{k}$
. Here $x_{k}$ is the most recent value. There are two variants of
statistics: (i) a cumulative statistics of all $k$ values, and (ii)
the statistics of $n$ the most recent values. The latter is also
called a moving or a windowed statistics. Note that the cumulative
statistics is also a windowed with $n=k$.
3. The first moment, mean value
3.1. Definition
The first moment (moving average, mean value) of the length $n$ is
defined as
Below for $k=n$ we use the notation $X_{k}(k)=X_{k}$.
3.2. Cumulative calculations
When all incoming values are incorporated into calculations ($n=k$),
the above equation (\ref{eq:avg}) reduces to:
From Eq. \ref{eq:avgc} we get the following recurrence:
m_{k} & = & \frac{1}{k}S_{k}=\frac{1}{k}\left(x_{k}+S_{k-1}\right)=\frac{x_{k}}{k}+\frac{k-1}{k}m_{k-1}=m_{k-1}+\frac{x_{k}-m_{k-1}}{k}\nonumber \\
& = & m_{k-1}+\frac{\delta_{k}}{k}\label{eq:recc}
3.3. Windowed (constant-length, moving) calculations
In the case when only the last $n$ values are used, the recurrence
m_{k}(n) & = & \frac{1}{n}S_{k}(n)=\frac{1}{n}\left(x_{k}+S_{k-1}(n)-x_{k-n}\right)=\frac{x_{k}}{k}+\frac{k-1}{k}m_{k-1}=m_{k-1}+\frac{x_{k}-x_{k-n}}{n}\nonumber \\
& = & m_{k-1}(n)+\frac{\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n}}{n}\label{eq:recw}
Note that (\ref{eq:recw}) reduces to (\ref{eq:recc}) if we set
\delta_{k-n} & = & 0\nonumber \\
n & = & k\label{eq:w2c}
Instead of (\ref{eq:w2c}) we can also formally define $\delta_{0}=0$.
4. Central moments
4.1. Definitions
Similar to (\ref{eq:avg}), the p-th order central moments are defined
4.2. Windowed variance ($p=2$)
For the case of $p=2$ Eq. \ref{eq:avgp} reduces to
It can be rewritten using (\ref{eq:recw}):
S_{2,k}(n) & = & \sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{i}-m_{k}(n)\right]^{2}=\sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{i}-m_{k-1}(n)-\frac{\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n}}{n}\right]^{2}\nonumber \\
& = & \sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left\{ \left[x_{i}-m_{k-1}(n)\right]^{2}-2\left[x_{i}-m_{k-1}(n)\right]\frac{\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n}}{n}+\left(\frac{\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n}}{n}\right)^{2}\right\} \label{eq:S2w}
S_{2,k}(n) & = & S_{2,k-1}(n)+\delta_{k}^{2}-\delta_{k-n}^{2}-2(\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n})[m_{k}(n)-m_{k-1}(n)]+\frac{(\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n})^{2}}{n}\nonumber \\
& = & S_{2,k-1}(n)+\delta_{k}^{2}-\delta_{k-n}^{2}-\frac{(\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n})^{2}}{n}\label{eq:S2wrec}
This gives the recurrence formula for the windowed online variance
4.3. Cumulative variance calculations
In order to get the cumulative formula, we can formally apply the
conditions (\ref{eq:w2c}):
This can be also rewritten as
5. Higher central sums
5.1. Windowed calculations for $p=3$
Similar to (\ref{eq:S2w}):
S_{3,k}(n) & = & \sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{i}-m_{k}(n)\right]^{3}=\sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{i}-m_{k-1}(n)-\frac{\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n}}{n}\right]^{3}\nonumber \\
& = & \sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left\{ \begin{array}{c}
\end{array}\right\} \label{eq:S3w}
5.2. Cumulative calculations for $p=3$
Using the same trick and applying the condition (\ref{eq:w2c}), we
5.3. Windowed calculations for $p=4$
Similar to (\ref{eq:S2w}) and (\ref{eq:S3w}):
S_{4,k}(n) & = & \sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{i}-m_{k}(n)\right]^{4}=\sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{i}-m_{k-1}(n)-\frac{\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n}}{n}\right]^{4}\nonumber \\
& = & \sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left\{ \begin{array}{c}
S_{4,k}(n) & = & S_{4,k-1}(n)+\delta_{k}^{4}-\delta_{k-n}^{4}-\frac{4}{n}(\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n})[S_{3,k-1}(n)+\delta_{k}^{3}-\delta_{k-n}^{3}]\nonumber \\
& + & \frac{6}{n^{2}}(\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n})^{2}[S_{2,k-1}(n)+\delta_{k}^{2}-\delta_{k-n}^{2}]-\frac{3}{n^{3}}(\delta_{k}-\delta_{k-n})^{4}
5.4. Cumulative calculations for $p=4$
Using the same trick and applying the condition (\ref{eq:w2c}), we
6. Covariance
The above approach can be generalized for the calculation of the covariance
matrix elements.
6.1. Definition
The covariance of the components $x_{\mu}$ and $x_{\nu}$ is defined
c_{\mu\nu,k}(n)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left[x_{\mu,i}-m_{\mu,k}(n)\right]\left[x_{\nu,i}-m_{\nu,k}(n)\right] = \frac{1}{n}C_{\mu\nu,k}(n)\label{eq:covw}
Here $m_{\mu,k}(n)$ is the mean value for the $\mu$-th component.
It obeys the generalized equation (\ref{eq:recc}):
with Eqs. (\ref{eq:dk}) and (\ref{eq:dkn}) modified accordingly.
6.2. Windowed calculations
Using the recurrence (\ref{eq:mmunuk}) for each component we have
The above equation can be rewritten as
C_{\mu\nu,k}(n)=\sum_{i=k-n+1}^{k}\left\{ \begin{array}{c}
This gives the recurrence formula for the windowed online covariance
6.3. Cumulative calculations
Applying the conditions (\ref{eq:w2c}) to each component, we get:
C_{\mu\nu,k} & = & C_{\mu\nu,k-1}+\delta_{\mu,k}\delta_{\nu,k}-\frac{\delta_{\mu,k}\delta_{\nu,k}}{k}\nonumber \\
& = & C_{\mu\nu,k-1}+\delta_{\mu,k}\delta_{\nu,k}-\frac{k-1}{k}\delta_{\mu,k}\delta_{\nu,k}
This gives the recurrence formula for the cumulative online covariance
calculations. Note that for $\mu=\nu$ the above equations reduce
to the variance formulas.
7. Implementation
My Python implementation can be found on GitHub:
It also includes the Jupyter notebook with a test/demo.
Note that this code is not fully optimized. It is primarily an illustration to this article.
I am grateful to Marko Draisma who pointed to a typo in Eq. 18.
Suggested citation for this article:
Nikolai Shokhirev, 2013. Single-Pass Online Statistical Algorithms,
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Numerically stable, single-pass, parallel statistics algorithms,
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Babcock, B.; Datar, M.; Motwani, R. and O'Callaghan, L.
Maintaining variance and k-medians over data stream windows Proceedings
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Wikipedia, Moving average, 2016.