Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing
Nikolai Shokhirev
November 11, 2012
1. Simple moving average
Time series is a stream of data: $x_{1},\, x_{2},\, x_{3},\,\ldots\,,\, x_{k}$
. Here $x_{k}$ is the most recent value. Usually the data are noisy
and not smooth. The simplest way to smooth a time series is to calculate
a simple moving average [
1] of length $n$, which is just
the mean of the last $n$ observations:
In the beginning, when $k\lt n$, this is a cumulative moving average:

Equal weights, n = 3, k = 1, 2, 3.
Actually Eq. (\ref{eq:mkk}) is the particular case of (\ref{eq:mkn})
for $k=n$.
The recurrence for (\ref{eq:mkn}) is
Similarly for (\ref{eq:mkk})
Note that both (\ref{eq:mknr}) and (\ref{eq:mkkr}) can be rewritten
\delta_{l}=x_{l}-m_{k-1} & l \gt 0\\
\delta_{l}=0 & l\leq0
N_{k}=n & ,k\geq n\\
N_{k}=k & ,k\lt n
The above unified notations are very convenient for a programming
2. Exponential smoothing
The simple moving average is the particular case of a weighted average
with equal weights. However, it is natural to assign larger weights
for recent values and smaller weights for older ones. The exponential
smoothing is a popular implementation of this idea. It is defined
by the following recurrent relation
m_{1}=x_{1} & k=1\\
m_{k}=\alpha x_{k}+(1-\alpha)m_{k-1}=\alpha x_{k}+\lambda m_{k-1} & k\gt 1
The recurrence (\ref{eq:mker}) also defines a weighted average
with the following weights
\lambda^{k} & i=1\\
\alpha\lambda^{k-i} & i \gt 1
The weights decrease exponentially with the decay factor $\nu=-ln(\lambda)$:
\frac{w_{k,i}}{w_{k,i+1}}=\lambda=e^{-\nu} & i=k-1,\,\ldots,\,2\\
\frac{w_{k,1}}{w_{k,2}}=\frac{\lambda}{\alpha} & i=1
It gave the name for this smoothing.
3. Exponential average
The weight $w_{k,1}$ in (\ref{eq:expw}) does not follow the same
exponential rule. For $\lambda>\frac{1}{2}$ it is even not the smallest
one. The pure exponential average can be defined as
S_{k} & = & \sum_{i=1}^{k}\lambda^{k-i}x_{i}\\
N_{k} & = & \sum_{i=1}^{k}\lambda^{k-i}

Exponential weights, k = 1, ... , 5.
The above equations can be written as recurrent relations:
S_{k} & = & x_{k}+\lambda S_{k-1}\label{eq:skr}\\
N_{k} & = & 1+\lambda N_{k-1}\label{eq:nkr}
Using (\ref{eq:skr}) and (\ref{eq:nkr}), it is easy to derive a
recurrence for the mean value
m_{k} & = & \frac{x_{k}+\lambda S_{k-1}}{N_{k}}\\
& = & \frac{x_{k}}{N_{k}}+\frac{\lambda N_{k-1}}{N_{k}}m_{k-1}\\
& = & m_{k-1}+\frac{x_{k}}{N_{k}}+\left(\frac{\lambda N_{k-1}}{N_{k}}-1\right)m_{k-1}\\
& = & m_{k-1}+\frac{x_{k}}{N_{k}}-\frac{m_{k-1}}{N_{k}}
The equations (\ref{eq:mke}) and (\ref{eq:dele}) are remarkably
similar to (\ref{eq:mkur}-\ref{eq:nk}).
4. Effective smoothing length
The smoothing length is well defined in the simple average. It is
the norm $N_{k}$ (\ref{eq:nk}). The norm (\ref{eq:nkr}) is the
generalization of (\ref{eq:nk}) and defines the effective smoothing
length for the exponential average:
This norm accounts for 100 % of all weights. At sufficiently large
and $\frac{\lambda^{k-i}}{N_{k}}\approx w_{k,i}$ (\ref{eq:expw}).
Therefore both definitions of exponential smoothing coincide for large
$k$. Actually the difference between the two definitions tends to
zero as $\lambda^{k}$.
The definition (\ref{eq:norm}) seems to be natural, however historically
the smoothing period $P$ for the exponential smoothing (\ref{eq:mker})
is defined as [
These two definitions related as
In RiskMetrics [
3] the effective averaging length $L$ is defined as
1-\lambda^{L} & = & 1-\epsilon\\
\lambda^{L} & = & \epsilon
This length is related to the natural length as
L=\frac{ln(\epsilon)}{ln(\lambda)} = \frac{ln(\epsilon)}{ln(1-\frac{1}{N_{\infty}})}
For $N_{\infty} >> 1$
L \approx 6.9\; N_{\infty}
In particular, for $\lambda=0.94$ [3],
the above definitions give the following values: $L=112$, $P=33$, $N_{\infty}=17$ .
A couple of specific cases are also worth mentioning.
For $N_{\infty}=P=1$ $\lambda=0$ - no averaging; and for $L=1$ $\lambda=0.001$.
The values of all definitions for selected $\lambda$ are collected in the table below.
$\lambda$ |
L |
P |
$N_{\infty}$ |
Comment |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
No averaging |
0.001 |
1 |
1.002 |
1.001 |
0.5 |
10 |
3 |
2 |
0.75 |
24 |
7 |
4 |
0.875 |
52 |
15 |
8 |
0.94 |
112 |
33 |
17 |
RiskMetrix |
Suggested citation for this article:
Nikolai Shokhirev, 2012. Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing,
- WikipediaMoving average.
- WikipediaExponential smoothing.
Jorge Mina and Jerry Yi Xiao,
Return to RiskMetrics: The Evolution of a Standard, RiskMetrics, 2001.