Numerical experiments, Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
Flask useful references
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions.
And before you ask: It's BSD licensed! [1]
Here I collect some useful Flask-related links (and keep updating).
Flask home: [1].
User's Guide, Tutorial, API Reference, Additional Notes: [2].
Flask tutorials
- Annotated tutorial links [3].
- Famous Miguel Grinberg's mega tutorial [4].
- Flask Book Companion site for the Flask book and training videos by Miguel Grinberg [5].
- Eight-part tutorial from Real Python [6].
- Python Web Applications With Flask, three-part tutorial by Michael Herman, Sean Vieira: [7],
[8], [9].
- Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials (25 short videos) [10].
Short tutorials, examples
- Build a Flask App in 30 Minutes [11].
- Building websites in Python with Flask [12].
- Instant Flask Web Development [13].
- Flask blog (Python, Flask, MongoDB, Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Lightbox 2, Markdown, Polymer
- How to make a Flask blog in one hour or less [15].
RESTfull api with Python and Flask by Miguel Grinberg [16].
Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB [17].
REST web services with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial Data in the Cloud [18].
Flask visualization
Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js, DC.js, Python, and MongoDB [19].
Data visualization using D3.js and Flask [20].
Data Mining and Data Visualization Services (several projects) [21].
Flask, JSON and the Google Charts API [22].
Flask user authentication
Review of options: [23].
RESTful Authentication with Flask: [24].
Flask-Login plug-in - User session management for Flask: [25].
Authentication snippets: [26].
OAuth2 Python Flask Example: [27].
Flask extensions
Flask-Bootstrap [28] packages Bootstrap into an
extension that mostly consists of a blueprint named "bootstrap". It can also
create links to serve Bootstrap from a CDN.
Flask and MongoDB
Write a Tumblelog Application with Flask and MongoEngine [29].
Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB [17].
REST web services with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial Data in the Cloud [18].
Flask and Neo4j
Building a Python Web Application Using Flask and Neo4j [30].
-, Flask home
-, Welcome to Flask (Docs):
- Full Stack Python, Flask development
- Miguel Grinberg, Flask mega-tutorial
- Miguel Grinberg, Flask book website
-, Flask by example
- Michael Herman, Sean Vieira, Python Web Applications With Flask. 1. Application setup
- Michael Herman, Sean Vieira, - 2. Setup user accounts, Templates, Static files
- Michael Herman, Sean Vieira, - 3. Testing (unit and integration), Debugging, and Error handling
- Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials
- Randall Degges, Build a Flask App in 30 Minutes
- Randall Degges, Building websites in Python with Flask
- Instant Flask Web Development
- Flask blog
- How to make a Flask blog in one hour or less
- Miguel Grinberg, RESTfull api with Python and Flask
- Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB
- REST web services with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial Data in the Cloud
- Adil Moujahid, Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js, DC.js, Python, and MongoDB
- Data visualization using D3.js and Flask
- Ramiro Gómez, Data Mining and Data Visualization Services
- Flask, JSON and the Google Charts API
- Randall Degges, The Flask Authentication Problem
- Miguel Grinberg, RESTful Authentication with Flask
-, Flask-Login
- Armin Ronacher, Authentication snippets
- OAuth2 Python Example
- Flask-Bootstrap, All Bootstrap, no boilerplate
- Write a Tumblelog Application with Flask and MongoEngine
- Nicole White, Building a Python Web Application Using Flask and Neo4j
© Nikolai Shokhirev, 2012-2025
email: nikolai(dot)shokhirev(at)gmail(dot)com