

Numerical experiments, Tips, Tricks and Gotchas

Numerically speaking

Flask useful references


Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed! [1]

Here I collect some useful Flask-related links (and keep updating).

Flask home: [1]. User's Guide, Tutorial, API Reference, Additional Notes: [2].

Flask tutorials

Short tutorials, examples


RESTfull api with Python and Flask by Miguel Grinberg [16].
Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB [17].
REST web services with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial Data in the Cloud [18].

Flask visualization

Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js, DC.js, Python, and MongoDB [19].
Data visualization using D3.js and Flask [20].
Data Mining and Data Visualization Services (several projects) [21].
Flask, JSON and the Google Charts API [22].

Flask user authentication

Review of options: [23].
RESTful Authentication with Flask: [24].
Flask-Login plug-in - User session management for Flask: [25].
Authentication snippets: [26].
OAuth2 Python Flask Example: [27].

Flask extensions

Flask-Bootstrap [28] packages Bootstrap into an extension that mostly consists of a blueprint named "bootstrap". It can also create links to serve Bootstrap from a CDN.

Flask and MongoDB

Write a Tumblelog Application with Flask and MongoEngine [29].
Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB [17].
REST web services with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial Data in the Cloud [18].

Flask and Neo4j

Building a Python Web Application Using Flask and Neo4j [30].



  1. flask.pocoo.org, Flask home
  2. flask.pocoo.org, Welcome to Flask (Docs):
  3. Full Stack Python, Flask development
  4. Miguel Grinberg, Flask mega-tutorial
  5. Miguel Grinberg, Flask book website
  6. realpython.com, Flask by example
  7. Michael Herman, Sean Vieira, Python Web Applications With Flask. 1. Application setup
  8. Michael Herman, Sean Vieira, - 2. Setup user accounts, Templates, Static files
  9. Michael Herman, Sean Vieira, - 3. Testing (unit and integration), Debugging, and Error handling
  10. Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials
  11. Randall Degges, Build a Flask App in 30 Minutes
  12. Randall Degges, Building websites in Python with Flask
  13. Instant Flask Web Development
  14. Flask blog
  15. How to make a Flask blog in one hour or less
  16. Miguel Grinberg, RESTfull api with Python and Flask
  17. Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB
  18. REST web services with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial Data in the Cloud
  19. Adil Moujahid, Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js, DC.js, Python, and MongoDB
  20. Data visualization using D3.js and Flask
  21. Ramiro Gómez, Data Mining and Data Visualization Services
  22. Flask, JSON and the Google Charts API
  23. Randall Degges, The Flask Authentication Problem
  24. Miguel Grinberg, RESTful Authentication with Flask
  25. pypi.python.org, Flask-Login
  26. Armin Ronacher, Authentication snippets
  27. OAuth2 Python Example
  28. Flask-Bootstrap, All Bootstrap, no boilerplate
  29. Write a Tumblelog Application with Flask and MongoEngine
  30. Nicole White, Building a Python Web Application Using Flask and Neo4j


© Nikolai Shokhirev, 2012-2025

email: nikolai(dot)shokhirev(at)gmail(dot)com
