$$ dX_{t}=\mu dt+\sigma dW_{t}$$
Here $W_{t}$ is the Wiener process, $ \mu $ is the drift and $\sigma$ is the diffusion coefficient.
$$ \Delta X=\mu\Delta t+\sigma\Delta W $$
import numpy as np
T = 4.0
times = linspace(0.0, T, num=41)
Nt = times.size
Np = 256 # number of paths
Diffusion parameters: $ \mu $ , $ \sigma $ , $ \Delta t $
mu = 0.2;
sigma = 2.0
Dt = 0.1
stdev = sqrt(Dt)*sigma
$$ \Delta X=\mathit{\mathcal{N}}(\mu\Delta t,\sigma^{2}\Delta t) $$
X = np.zeros((Nt,Np))
for it in range(1, Nt):
X[it,:] = X[it-1,:] + random.normal(mu*Dt, stdev, Np)
def plot_paths(X, step = 1):
plot all paths (step=1) or every step-th path
Np = X.shape[1]
for ip in range(Np):
if ip % step == 0:
plot(times, X[:,ip])
xlabel('time, t')
ylabel('distance, x ')
Only every eighth path is plotted
plot_paths(X, 8)
def final_stat(X):
""" mean avariance and std at the end of simulation """
#m = mean(X[Nt-1,:])
m = mean(X[-1,:])
v = var(X[-1,:])
s = std(X[-1,:])
print 'mean =', m, ' var =', v, ' std = ', s
Limiting values: mean = $ \mu T $ = 0.8, var = $ \sigma^{2} T $ = 16, std = $ \sqrt{var} $ = 4
$$ \Delta X=\mu\Delta t+\sigma\sqrt{\Delta t}\,\mathcal{N}(0,1) $$
X = np.zeros((Nt,Np))
for it in range(1, Nt):
X[it,:] = X[it-1,:] + mu*Dt + stdev*random.normal(0.0, 1.0, Np)
plot_paths(X, 8)
def toss(p = 0.5):
""" Simulate a coin toss - returns 1 with probabiliyt p and -1 otherwise """
x = random.random()
if x < p:
return 1.0
return -1.0
def one_step(h, n):
""" one step random walk """
x = 0.0
for i in range(n):
x += h*toss()
return x
def update_all(Dt, n):
tau = Dt/n
h = sqrt(tau)
for it in range(1, Nt):
for ip in range(Np):
X[it,ip] = X[it-1,ip] + mu*Dt + sigma*one_step(h, n)
X = np.zeros((Nt,Np))
n = 50
update_all(Dt, n)
plot_paths(X, 8)